[美國直購] BEHRINGER U-PHONO UFO202 唱盤錄音卡 USB/audio:zx000000002685,店家為 玉山最低比價網 | 樂天市場購物網 - 台灣 售價:1699 我要購買 |
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High-quality USB/audio interface connects your turntable, cassette player etc. with your computer for recording and playback BEHRINGER U-PHONO UFO202 Audiophile USB/Audio Interface with Built-in Phono Preamp for Digitalizing Your Tapes and Vinyl Records High-quality USB/audio interface connects your turntable, cassette player etc. with your computer for recording and playback We love ours too! That's why we built the UFO202 - a simple, affordable way to get your records and vinyl tapes into the digital realm. State of- the-art, switchable Line/Phono preamps and digital converters ensure the utmost in sound quality, making the U-PHONO UFO202 Audio Interface a must-have for every audiophile. PC and Mac Ready This ultra-compact, USB-powered device lets you connect your PC or Mac computer to virtually any piece of audio gear. It gets its power from your computer's USB bus, so no external power supply or batteries are required. And the UFO202 requires no special setup or drivers - just plug it in to a free USB port and start recording. Extreme Versatility The UFO202 features a stereo input for connecting turntables or any line-level device (such as a mixer or tape deck), plus a stereo analog output for connecting active speakers or studio monitors. You can also connect electronic keyboards, sound modules, drum machines and line-level devices (such as the V-AMP 3) directly to your computer for recording. The Volume control allows you to set the level of the stereo headphones. Powerful Recording Interface When used as a professional interface between a mixing console and your computer, myriad options become available. Some of these might include connecting the UFO202's RCA outputs to the TAPE INPUT jacks of your mixer or active monitors, or directly into the input channels of the mixer. Connecting to mixer input channels gives you access to equalization and allows the use of the AUX Send features of your mixer to build extremely versatile monitor mixes for your recording sessions. Value Now for just a fraction of the price you'd pay for a USB turntable you can have a hassle-free connectivity between your PC or Mac computer and virtually any piece of audio gear, including phono turntables and tape decks. Bridging the gap between your music and the rest of the world - the BEHRINGER U-PHONO UFO202. Product Dimensions: 3.5 x 2.4 x 0.9 inches ; 3.5 ounces |
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